You are in the right place at the right time. This website was created specifically with you in mind. It harbors a host of biblically-based tools and resources that will help you get closer to your true joy. Having joy is attainable for you. God loves you. God cares about you and he wants you to have that unspeakable joy that only he can provide. You may feel that you are not good enough or that you don't deserve it, or maybe you just have given up on joy altogether. God is able and it's not too late. If you are willing to take the first step in this joy walk, you will get closer to your joy. Now come and let's take this joy walk together.
Joy Walk Bible Study
Turn your reflections into a prayer to God. Talk to him about your pain, disappointment, and needs. Ask him to give you the courage to recognize, remember, and rely on his faithful character. Our prayer in this Bible Study is that he will encourage and renew your joy in the process. The downloadable bible study includes written, audio, and video resources. As you read, listen or watch, this is a great time for you to meditate and pray for God to increase your joy and provide you with the strength to grow in your walk with God.

Joy Walk Ministries Outreach Programs
Joy Walk Ministries Outreach programs are for the underserved communities in Memphis, Tennessee and throughout the country. Scripture tells us that we should take care of the homeless, the widows, and the orphans. We strive to fulfill the needs of the most vulnerable year-round. Please contact us if you know of someone in need or if you are in need. Your joy may be a phone call away.